Trip to the US, round III
What else did I do in Philly? Revisited campus with Lauren, had lunch with another friend Todes (Marathon Grill forever! Hehe), hung out with my mom and helped her through her first important talk - she spoke to Wharton's Huntsman program on multilinguism and doing business in a pluricultural environment... It was delicious. All of it. Finally, my vacation came to an end and I flew to Miami where I got to hang out with family (Maria Alicia, Phil, Juani, Nico et co) and catch up briefly with Eddie... not to mention go to the beach (see view on the left) and eat cuban food, weeeeeeeeeeeee!
Special dinner with Stef and Lauren, Pakistani food - note that this item wasn't even on the menu and had to be pre-ordered! Yes, Stef is a fantastic resource and knows the bestest places to get grub.
Lauren and I on campus.
Me, "in LOVE".
My mom giving her talk... Well, about to give her talk - Professor Bellace is in the middle introducing her and her topic in the photo! In case you were wondering, the students loved her and only grudgingly left after lunch to go to their next classes. Mom, YOU ROCKETH!
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