Christmas & New Year at Apolo
Tatiana who was visiting from Argentina, holding a very handsome-looking Pedro Agustin on her lap (left); Carolita jumping for joy at the prospect of distributing presents and finding out what Santa left for her; and Carola and her Gingerbread house (reminded me of my pre-Christmas tradition at the Senarclens' house...) (both right).
Lower row of photos: Oscar as a hippie, Andy as pseudo Santa (some say this is what Santa must've looked like in his youth, haha), and the Fricasé being savoured by (left to right) Alvarito, Andy, Ronald and Jorge. And below? Me trying to involve Mauricio in the party - he wasn't supposed to dance because of back problems (i.e. herniated disc!) but I felt bad that he was just sitting there nodding his head along to the music while we danced... so there you have it. And clearly I scared him - he has a bit of a dear in headlights' look, no? Grin.
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