ICRC conference
From the morning of Monday June 19th to the wee hours of Wednesday June 21st (technically Thursday) took place the annual Red Cross conference in Geneva. I reported in for duty at 8am on Monday, after having gone by the Federation the previous week to get my snazzy red conference tshirts and conference ID. On the team for document distribution, I was in charge of making sure the Spanish-speaking countries located in the main conference room (see photo on the left) had all availble documents in Spanish waiting for them at their desks be
fore the sessions began. The job was relatively stress-free and allowed me to not only attend the conference (see photo on the right, a bit blurry because using a flash seemed inappropriate), but also meet some interesting people (Jeanine, Maggi, Carl, Ramia and Rene, just to name a few) and touch base with people I hadn’t seen in a while. The main topic this year was the adoption of the third emblem, which caused heated discussions but ended up coming through just in time to make Thursday a day off. Don't think I will ever aim to become a conference delegate, but I do enjoy the logistic backstage aspect of such big conferences...
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